软管泵边沟滑模机专业生产设备产品吗?豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是您的不二之选!我们致力于提供品质保证、价格优惠的软管泵边沟滑模机专业生产设备产品,品种齐全,不断创新,致力于满足广大客户的多种需求,联系人:杨经理-19939106370,QQ:2831509198,地址:《中站李封南会253号》。" />
更新时间:2024-12-27 22:03:36 浏览次数:8 公司名称:焦作 豫信致诚机械设备有限公司
规格型号 | YXRG-15 (200) |
流量 | 2~85立方/小时 |
功率 | 1.5~35kw |
压力 | 1Mpa~2Mpa |
重量 | 60~2000kg |
水平输送能力 | 100m |
垂直输送 | 3~15m |
软管泵最大吸程 | 8m |
软管尺寸 | 按规格定制 |
设备类型 | 小型软管泵 |
设备用途 | 工业软管泵、输送软管泵 |
工作原理 | 滚轴挤压式循环往复 |
参考价格 | 5000~85000 |
耐腐蚀性输送性能 | 可输送 |
食品果酱输送性能 | 可升级为不锈钢型软管泵,食品级软管 |
其他行业应用 | 根据输送物质类型,定制设计加工 |
交货周期 | 小型软管泵现货,大型定制 |
付款方式 | 预付30%,剩余货到付清 |
It is well known that when the hose pump is running, it is conveyed through a U-shaped rubber hose with elasticity. Today the editor needs to emphasize that the storage time of the hose should not be too long, and it is generally limited to one year. During the shutdown period, if the pump is equipped with a hose, if it is not used for a long time, the pump needs to be rotated every other month. So as not to press the roller for a long time at a certain position of the pump tube, it will weaken the resilience of the tube and affect its flow rate.
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司成立以来,一直秉承着“合作共赢,共创未来”的服务宗旨,以“海纳百川,包容天下”的恢弘气魄和“立足创新,技术精炼”的追求精神,尽力尽情尽心的完善 辽宁辽阳边沟滑模机产品品质,以此公司的服务满意度.